The following guide shows you how to remove a payment method linked to your profile on both phone and a computer web browser.
1 | Visit or login to the BasketballConnect App on your mobile device. Login with your BC details. If you do not know your password you can press Forget Password on this screen). |
IF you are on mobile device, please refer to steps 2 - 5. If you are on a computer web browser, then you can refer to steps 5 onwards. |
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If you are on Mobile device, press the three dots down the bottom right hander of the screen and select My Profile. Then on the next screen select My Full Profile |
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3 | Once in the user profile section, if you are on Mobile device your screen may appear squished. If so, you want to first select the three dots under the Actions button, and then in the drop down list select Payment Methods |
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4 | If you are on computer, you will see this heading list stretched out longer so just find the Payment Methods header. |
5 | If you see any payment methods listed, press the three dots to the right hand side and select 'Remove Payment Method'. |
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